What to Know About Tax Reform and Alimony

The implications of the Tax Reform Law would affect almost every aspect of American living, including divorce. Alimony, for instance, is set to change under the new ruling. It is typically the higher-earning spouse which pays the alimony; this difference in tax brackets provides benefits to both parties, especially to the recipient. Under the previous…

Structured Guidelines for Alimony in Florida

Alimony is the term used for the amount of money paid to an ex-spouse as a form of support. After a divorce, the decision whether or not to grant alimony is based on a number of factors, which means that the amount of maintenance to be paid cannot be solely derived from a mathematical formula.…

Same Sex Divorce Process

Before the United States legalized same sex marriage nationwide in a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June 2015, Florida had already recognized it since January 6th of the same year. While Florida courts had seen same sex couples lining up to get wed that very same day, judges also had to prepare for cases of…